Backacre Beermakers

Backacre Beermakers’ Signature Beer

Tucked away in the green landscape of Weston, Vermont, Backacre Beermakers stands out as a beacon of craft beer craftsmanship. This artisanal brewery shies away from the limelight, choosing instead to focus on the art of beer-making. They have crafted an experience of taste and rarity, notably with their acclaimed Sour Golden Ale.

Beer aficionados have toasted the Sour Golden Ale on platforms like Untappd, praising its unique flavor profile that dances on the palate. This beer encompasses a symphony of sour notes harmoniously balanced with a golden hue that captivates one’s senses.

Backacre Beermakers’ Beer Lineup

While Backacre Beermakers beers are shrouded in exclusivity, whispers of small-batch masterpieces often find their way into Vermont craft beer circles. The air of mystery extends to their full lineup, which remains a well-kept secret beyond the Sour Golden Ale. Those on the hunt for these hidden gems are encouraged to keep a keen ear to the ground within these communities.

Background and History

The history of Backacre Beermakers is as enigmatic as their beers. While the online trail may be sparse, there’s no doubt that the brewery has left an indelible mark on those who’ve had the pleasure of sipping their brews. For seekers of lore and brewing tales, the key may lie in engaging with local sources or reaching out through the brewery’s remaining social channels.


In understanding Backacre Beermakers, one must embrace the journey of discovery. Their commitment to quality resonates through their craft, especially their Sour Golden Ale. For those drawn to the allure of artisanal beer, this brewery invites an exploration beyond the internet and into the heart of Vermont’s craft beer community.


While the secrecy surrounding Backacre Beermakers adds to its allure, it also presents a challenge for those seeking to learn more. As verified sources are essential in providing reliable information, here is what we know from credible platforms:

  • Sour Golden Ale on Untappd: Untappd
  • Facebook (last active in 2016): Facebook

Unfortunately, due to the current inactive status of the brewery’s online presence, detailed information is limited, and the provided sources are the most updated we have within our knowledge cutoff.